Unique Flower Gifts Provides Flowers Fresh From The Grower
Released on = March 26, 2006, 1:34 pm
Press Release Author = John Smith
Industry = Retail
Press Release Summary = Sadly, it is not always as easy to tell if the flowers you buy are as fresh as your milk. Flowers do not come with a "best consumed before" date stamped on them, so there really is not a way to know how fresh they really are or just how long they will last once you actually get them home.
Press Release Body = When it comes to buying food for your family, you are careful to select from only the best available products. This means you pay particular attention to how fresh each item you purchase really is. You would not buy milk that had passed its expiration date or meat that had spoiled, so why would you ever consider buying flowers that are past their prime.
Sadly, it is not always as easy to tell if the flowers you buy are as fresh as your milk. Flowers do not come with a "best consumed before" date stamped on them, so there really is not a way to know how fresh they really are or just how long they will last once you actually get them home.
The flowers that you find at the florist shop an in the aisles of your local grocery store have already been through quite a bit by the time they reach you. Flower growers spend their day selling many of their beautiful blooms directly to consumers, but at the end of the day they often find they have quite a bit of stock left over. These flowers are bundled up and shipped off to auctions and wholesalers throughout the United States and Canada, where they are sold at a discount, because they are no longer fresh. From the wholesale warehouses and actions the flowers are shipped to florists who stock them in their coolers in hopes of selling them to their customers in various arrangements. That means that when you get a bouquet of flowers delivered to you from your local florist, it might already be anywhere from 3 to 5 days old and the chances of it lasting very much longer are slim.
At Unique Flower Gifts we know that the most exquisite bouquets come from using only the freshest of flowers. We do not buy flowers from the grower, we are the grower, and that means that we only use fresh cut blooms. Because we do not have to keep a consumer ready inventory of flowers on hand waiting to be placed into pretty arrangements, we cut our flowers fresh everyday. We use overnight shipping so that each and every magnificent bouquet that is delivered to your doorstep is guaranteed to have been harvested with in the last 24 hours. The blossoms you buy from Unique Flower Gifts will not bloom into their full glory prematurely, because they are fresh from the grower, they will give you many days of pleasure. For information about ordering freshly harvested flowers from Unique Flower Gifts call 1(800) 321-ROSE or visit their website at www.uniqueflowergifts.net